BUD’S FLOWERS is a non-governmental organization. which aims to promote and defend human rights.

Our Services

What we do

Social Counseling and Integration Program for Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Migrants.

– Facilitate the social integration of newcomers into Romanian society.
– Provide psychosocial support and counseling to address trauma, cultural adjustment, and other challenges.
– Foster community connections and promote cross-cultural understanding.

Proposed Activities:
1. Orientation Workshops:
– Introduction to Romanian culture, customs, and societal norms.
– Practical information on navigating daily life in Romania: public transportation, healthcare system, education, etc.Sensitivity training on intercultural communication and respect for diversity.

2. Psychosocial Support:
– Individual and group counseling sessions facilitated by trained professionals.
– Trauma-informed care to address the psychological impact of displacement and past experiences.
– Stress management techniques and coping strategies for adjustment to a new environment.

3. Language and Communication Skills:
– Language courses tailored to the needs of asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants.
– Conversation clubs and language exchange programs to practice Romanian and facilitate interaction with locals.
– Communication skills workshops focusing on effective communication in different contexts: at work, in school, within the community.

4. Cultural Orientation Activities:
– Cultural outings to local landmarks, museums, and festivals.
– Cooking classes featuring Romanian cuisine and cultural traditions.
– Cultural exchange events with Romanian families and communities to promote cross-cultural understanding and friendship.

5. Community Engagement:
– Volunteer opportunities within local organizations and initiatives.
– Participation in community projects and events to foster a sense of belonging and civic engagement.
– Collaboration with local businesses for job readiness training, internships, and employment opportunities.

6. Peer Support Networks:
– Establishing peer support groups for mutual encouragement and assistance.
– Mentorship programs pairing newcomers with experienced community members for guidance and support.
– Creating online forums or social media groups for networking and information sharing among migrants and refugees.

7. Legal and Administrative Assistance:
– Information sessions on legal rights, residency procedures, and accessing social services in Romania.
– Assistance with paperwork, residency permits, and navigating bureaucratic processes.
– Referrals to legal aid organizations and specialized services for legal counseling and representation.

8. Collaboration and Partnerships:
– Collaboration with local NGOs, government agencies, and community centers to enhance service coordination and outreach.
– Partnerships with schools, universities, and vocational training centers to facilitate educational and employment opportunities for newcomers.
– Engagement with host communities to promote inclusivity, diversity, and social cohesion.

By implementing these proposed activities, social counseling and integration programs can effectively support the holistic well-being and integration of asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants in Romania, empowering them to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to society

Socio-Professional Services and Mediation in the Labor Market Program


1. Facilitate access to employment opportunities and vocational training for newcomers.

2. Provide personalized support and guidance to enhance socio-professional integration.

3. Promote self-reliance and economic empowerment among asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants.

Proposed Activities:

1. Skills Assessment and Career Counseling:
– Individual assessments to identify skills, qualifications, and career interests.
– Career counseling sessions to explore vocational options and develop personalized action plans.

2. Vocational Training and Skill Development:
– Partnership with vocational training providers and educational institutions to offer relevant courses and certifications.
– Workshops on job readiness skills, including resume writing, interview preparation, and workplace etiquette.
– Language training focused on workplace communication and terminology.

3. Job Placement and Internship Programs:
– Collaboration with employers, job placement agencies, and local businesses to facilitate job opportunities.
– Internship programs providing hands-on experience and exposure to the local labor market.
– Job fairs and networking events connecting newcomers with potential employers.

4. Entrepreneurship Support:
– Workshops and training sessions on entrepreneurship, business planning, and financial management.
– Mentorship programs pairing aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced business professionals.
– Assistance with accessing microfinance loans and startup grants for small business ventures.

5. Legal and Administrative Assistance:
– Information sessions on labor rights, employment regulations, and residency permits in Romania.
– Assistance with obtaining work permits, residency documents, and navigating administrative procedures.
– Referrals to legal aid organizations for specialized legal counseling and representation.

6. Mental Health and Well-being Support:
– Psycho-social support services to address stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges related to employment integration.
– Meditation and mindfulness sessions to promote emotional resilience, self-awareness, and stress reduction.
– Peer support groups for mutual encouragement and sharing of experiences.

7. Follow-up and Supportive Services:
– Ongoing support and follow-up with participants to monitor progress, address barriers, and provide additional assistance as needed.
– Referral services to community resources, social services, and specialized support organizations.
– Alumni networks and mentoring programs for continued professional development and career advancement.

Collaboration and Partnerships:
– Collaboration with employers, industry associations, and vocational training providers to align programs with labor market needs.
– Partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations to leverage resources and expertise in supporting socio-professional integration.
– Engagement with local communities to promote diversity, inclusion, and social cohesion in the labor market.

By implementing these proposed activities, socio-professional services and mediation in the labor market can effectively support the economic integration and self-sufficiency of asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants in Romania, empowering them to build successful careers and contribute to the country’s workforce and society.

Social and Intercultural Meditation Program

1. Foster social cohesion and cross-cultural understanding among participants.
2. Provide a safe space for reflection, mindfulness, and emotional well-being.
3. Promote resilience, empathy, and compassion in the face of cultural adaptation challenges.

Proposed Activities:

1. Intercultural Dialogue Circles:
– Structured discussions on topics related to cultural diversity, identity, and belonging.
– Sharing personal experiences, challenges, and insights about cultural adaptation.
– Facilitation of empathy-building exercises and perspective-taking activities to enhance intercultural understanding.

2. Cultural Exchange Workshops:
– Workshops highlighting the richness and diversity of cultures represented among participants.
– Interactive activities, such as music, dance, and art, showcasing different cultural traditions and expressions.
– Opportunities for participants to share their cultural heritage and learn from each other’s backgrounds.

3. Community Building Events:
– Social gatherings and community outings to promote camaraderie and connection among participants.
– Potluck dinners featuring dishes from different cultures, with storytelling and recipe sharing.
– Collaborative projects, such as community gardens or art installations, that celebrate cultural diversity and unity.

4. Creative Expression Workshops:
– Art therapy sessions using various mediums, such as painting, writing, or collage, for self-expression and reflection.
– Storytelling circles where participants can share personal narratives, poems, or cultural anecdotes.
– Collaborative art projects that reflect themes of resilience, hope, and cultural unity.

Collaboration and Partnerships:
– Collaboration with community centers, cultural organizations, and NGOs working with migrant and refugee populations to co-design and implement activities.
– Partnerships with local meditation centers, yoga studios, and wellness practitioners to provide expertise and resources for mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
– Engagement with migrant and refugee communities to ensure inclusivity and cultural relevance in program development and delivery.

By implementing these proposed activities, the social and intercultural meditation program can provide asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants in Romania with valuable tools for self-care, cultural exchange, and community connection, fostering resilience and well-being amidst the challenges of cultural adaptation and displacement.

Romanian language and cultural orientation courses

Course Objectives:

– Provide basic communication skills in Romanian for daily life interactions.
– Facilitate integration and social inclusion by learning the language and cultural nuances.
– Support participants in navigating essential services and accessing resources in Romania.

This proposed course structure aims to empower asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants in Romania with the language skills and cultural understanding necessary for successful integration and participation in society.

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the Romanian language course is usually divided into 6 modules,
corresponding to levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

At the end of the course, the participants are evaluated and issued a certificate of participation or an accredited language proficiency certificate, a document that certifies the level of knowledge of the Romanian language (This session can be organized, depending on the request).

Romanian Citizenship Courses

Legal Advice and Preparation Courses for Romanian Citizenship, tailored to asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants in Romania.

1. Provide accurate information and guidance on the process of obtaining Romanian citizenship.
2. Prepare participants for the citizenship examination, including language proficiency and civic knowledge.
3. Empower individuals to navigate the legal requirements and documentation necessary for naturalization.


Proposed Activities:

1. Information Sessions on Citizenship Requirements:
– Overview of eligibility criteria for Romanian citizenship through naturalization.
– Explanation of residency requirements, documentation, and legal procedures.
– Clarification of rights and responsibilities of Romanian citizens.

2. Language Proficiency Courses:
– Romanian language classes tailored to the level required for citizenship application.
– Focus on vocabulary and grammar necessary for understanding legal documents and conversing in daily life.
– Practice exercises and mock tests to assess language proficiency and prepare for language exams.

3. Civic Education and Knowledge Assessment:
– Workshops on Romanian history, culture, and democratic institutions.
– Preparation for the civic knowledge examination, covering topics such as Romanian constitution, government structure, and civic values.
– Interactive activities, quizzes, and study materials to reinforce understanding of civic content.

4. Legal Counseling and Documentation Assistance:
– Individual consultations with legal experts to review eligibility criteria and assess individual cases.
– Assistance with gathering required documents, such as residency permits, proof of language proficiency, and background checks.
– Guidance on completing citizenship application forms and preparing for interviews with authorities.

5. Mock Examinations and Practice Tests:
– Simulation exercises to replicate the format and content of the citizenship examination.
– Practice tests for language proficiency and civic knowledge, with feedback provided to identify areas for improvement.
– Group study sessions and peer support for collaborative learning and preparation.

6. Follow-up and Support:
– Ongoing assistance and follow-up with participants throughout the citizenship application process.
– Review sessions to address questions, concerns, and challenges encountered during preparation.
– Referral services to legal aid organizations and community resources for additional support as needed.

Collaboration and Partnerships:
– Collaboration with government agencies, citizenship authorities, and language testing centers to ensure alignment with official requirements and standards.
– Partnerships with language schools, cultural institutions, and civic education providers to access resources and expertise in language instruction and civic content.
– Engagement with community organizations and migrant support groups to promote awareness of citizenship opportunities and facilitate participation in preparation courses.

By implementing these proposed activities, legal advice and preparation courses can effectively support asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants in Romania in their journey toward obtaining Romanian citizenship, empowering them to fully integrate into society and exercise their rights as citizens.

Arabic Language Courses and Cultural Orientation Program


1. Provide Romanian citizens with an opportunity to learn the Arabic language and gain insights into Arab cultures.

2. Foster intercultural understanding and appreciation among participants.

3. Support family members of Arab citizens in their integration process and facilitate cross-cultural communication within mixed-nationality families.

For more informations about serviceses

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